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Monday, 11 May 2015 10:42

BIOECON News - Spring 2015

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NEWS - Spring 2015
17th BIOECON Conference 
Experimental and Behavioural Economics and the Conservation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

13th -15th September 2015
Cambridge, United Kingdom

One week left to submit your paper to the Conference 
> call for papers

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Final Workshop on the Project for Ecosystem Service (ProEcoServ)
Nairobi, Kenya | 28-29 September 2015
Specific objectives of the Workshop include: (1) Demonstrating the rationale and evidence based of developing and applying multi-scale and locally valid tools and decision support models for development planning and policy making; (2) Building the support for the application of ecosystem and ecosystem service management approaches at local, sub-national/basin national and transboundary levels; (3) Strengthening the science-policy interfaces to reinforce ProEcoServ results and policy application in four selected countries; (4) Showing the impact of the work in terms of influencing policy, including ES mainstreaming into sustainable national development plans; (5) Promoting the sharing of information and lessons learned in the selected countries.  > info - contact: Dr Paulo A.L.D. Nunes

Summer School in Sustainability Economics:
Experiments on Intergenerational Justice under Uncertainty

Camp Reinsehlen, Germany | 11–14 October 2015 
Behavioral economics and experimental methods  have substantially altered the way economists perceive the world and how they derive policy recommendations. The summer school aims at developing a better understanding of how and to what extent experiments can contribute to advancing the economics and policy of sustainability   > info

Five PhD positions and two Postdoctoral Fellowships avaliable on Sustainable Development at NTNU, Norway
Deadline: 1 June 2015
Sustainable Societal Development is a targeted research area created in order to focus and develop NTNU’s contribution to solving major issues facing society. It is split into four main focus areas: i. Institutional framework conditions, the conditions necessary for sustainable policies and practices; ii. Sustainable urban development, the design and planning of sustainable and resilient cities, communities and regions; iii. Biodiversity and ecosystem services, knowledge about how human activities affect biodiversity and ecosystem functions, and the sustainable use of natural resources; iv. Analysis of environment and sustainability, advanced modeling and analysis of sustainability at the society, business and production levels  > more 

Post Doc position in Behavioral/Experimental Economics of Environmental Policy at the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship in Environmental Economics, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
Starting date: November 1, 2015. Formal position advertisement will follow. In case of interest, you can send an email to Prof. Stefanie Engel

Prof. Stefanie Engel has joined Osnabrück University, wher she is in charge of invigorating the interdisciplinary Institute of Environmental Systems Research and helping to guide the focus on “Governance of sustainable socio-ecological systems” to the international forefront.

Dr. Paulo A.L.D. Nunes 
joined Ecosystem Services Economics Unit in January 2015 as Global Coordinator and Manager of UNEP's Project for Ecosystem Services (ProEcoServ), the GEF-funded umbrella project aiming at piloting the bundling of ecosystem services and the integration of ecosystem services approaches into resource management and decision making.
Selected publications
Model choice and size distribution: a Bayequentist approach
John-Oliver Engler, Stefan Baumgärtner
We propose a new three-step model-selection framework for size distributions in empirical data. It generalizes a recent frequentist plausibility-of-fit analysis (Step 1) and combines it with a relative ranking based on the Bayesian Akaike Information Criterion (Step 2). We enhance these statistical criteria with the additional criterion of microfoundation (Step 3) which is to select the size distribution that comes with a dynamic micro model of size dynamics  > more 

A systematic approach for assessing spatially and temporally differentiated opportunity costs of biodiversity conservation measures in grasslands
Melanie Mewes, Martin Drechsler, Karin Johst, Astrid Sturm, Frank Wätzold
Several billion euros are spent in Europe every year on agri-environment schemes to compensate farmers for (costly) conservation measures such as specific mowing and grazing regimes. These measures can impact grassland species during their reproductive period. Therefore, it is particularly important when (and not only where) they are applied. However, in contrast to the spatial allocation of measures, their temporal allocation has rarely been taken into consideration > more 

Macro-economic Impact Assessment of Future Changes in European Marine Ecosystem Services 
Francesco Bosello, Elisa Delpiazzo, Fabio Eboli
The present research has been developed within the EU FP7 VECTORS project. whose main scope has been to evaluate, from a multilateral perspective, drivers, pressures and vectors of changes in marine life of three main European seas (Baltic, Western Mediterranean, North), the mechanisms by which they do so and the impacts that they have on ecosystem structures and functioning as well as on economic activities and wellbeing. This paper describes the methodology, data elaboration and main results of a modelling exercise aiming to assess the economic effect of future changes in the EU marine ecosystem in the medium term (2030) > more

Conservation Payments under Uncertainty
Stefanie Engel, Charles Palmer, Luca Taschini, Simon Urech
The decision of whether to retain forest or convert to another land use is affected by uncertainty over future land use returns. This paper examines the design of conservation payments to landowners under uncertainty  > more 

*** Apologies for cross-postings ***
Communication run by Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
mail to BIOECON  - visit the BIOECON website

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