Miscellaneous News

Thursday, 28 May 2015 15:17

C-MAT - University of Antwerp - NEW: grants for Advanced Masters of Maritime and Air Transport Economics // Department TPR - CityLAB III Summer School: The Productive City

As of academic year 2015-2016, the University of Antwerp will be offering two unique advanced Masters in transport economics: a management-oriented Master with specialisations in maritime and air transport economics, and a research training programme. Both Master programmes will be taught in English and will be coordinated by C-MAT, the Centre for Maritime and Air Transport Management. C-MAT is part of the Faculty of Applied Economics and is managed by the Department of Transport and Regional Economics (TPR)of the University of Antwerp.

NEW: A limited number of partial scholarships awarded by the Flemish Government is available for C-MAT students for the academic year 2015-2016! Please indicate your interest in the scholarships when filling out the C-MAT application form via www.c-mat.be.


From 31 August - 4 September 2015, the Antwerp Urban Studies Institute, to which TPR contributes, will be hosting its third summer school: CityLAB III: The Productive City.

This one-week intensive course aims to discuss the productive role of cities from an interdisciplinary perspective. We set out to analyze how and why urban material production disappeared and what the consequences are. Subsequently, we will examine and discuss if material production should keep its place in the city. Inevitably, new forms of sustainable production, such as urban food production, urban small industrial production, and urban craftsmanship will be addressed. In addition, we will examine and discuss new ideas about the relationship between working and living and modes of transport, and related concepts and practices of urban planning.

The final program and more information can be found on the course website.

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